[SoC] Week-1 WebGrass

Mayank Agrawal mayankagrawal333 at gmail.com
Sun May 29 13:29:16 PDT 2016

Hi everyone,

I am Mayank Agrawal and I am working on webgrass.

my report for the week 1

*What did you get done this week?*

   - The first page of the MainUI of the Grass with all the submenus and
   - parsing of the xml file for the menu.
   - restructuring the xml file for better understanding.
   - removing small errors like wrong paths given at different resources,
   routing of the pages

see Commits <https://github.com/rashadkm/webgrass/pull/8/commits> .
Results hosted here <http://localhost:8080/?_=/grass> .

*Status *- Location and Mapset wizard is done fully. Actual Grass Main Menu
UI is done.

*What do you plan on doing next week?*
Next week, I will start implementing Grass Layer Manager. I will work on
icons and buttons using grass icons. assigning size to the gui components
so that they work properly during resize, scale etc.

*Are you blocked on anything?*
Not rite now. Had some issues during coding, which were solved by the

Mayank Agrawal
Lab for Spatial Informatics
IIIT Hyderabad
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