[SoC] Report 1-transiTime QuickStart application

Brendan Egan egan129129 at gmail.com
Sun May 29 13:48:52 PDT 2016

Hi all,

Here is my first report

During Bounding period

Set up a weekly call with my mentor. Installed eclipse, Maven, PostgreSQL.

Learnt about github and git commands. Imported the OneBusAway and
transiTime projects into eclipse on local machine. Ran the OneBusAway
QuickStart application.

Set up a Wiki page for the project and introduced myself and my project on
both the OneBusAway and transiTime mailing lists.

1 ) What did you get done this week?

Created draft design for gui detailing input fields and expected output
(see wiki).  Researched further into GTFS and GTFS realtime.  Gained a
greater understanding of the project with assistance from my mentor.

Updated Wiki.

2 ) What do you plan on doing next week?

I plan to install a running instance of transiTime on my local windows
computer and document the steps involved in installation. This I expect to
be a difficult task as the main aim of the project is to automate this
motivated by the lack of documentation and the complexity of setup for new
users. This difficult setup is one of the main barriers to using transiTime.

Completing this will give me a more in depth understanding of the task at
hand and allow me to plan-out future tasks.

3 ) Are you blocked on anything?

I was completing my end of year exams up until thursday of this week. I am
now finished and can now focus wholly on the project.



Wiki page:

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