[SoC] 8th International Symposium on Highly Efficient Accelerators and Reconfigurable Technologies (HEART2017)

Gabriel Almeida gabrielmarchesan at gmail.com
Tue Jan 17 10:55:03 PST 2017


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Call for Papers

Paper Submission Deadline: February 20, 2017


The 8th International Symposium on

Highly Efficient Accelerators and Reconfigurable Technologies



7-9 June 2017, Bochum, Germany




Important dates:

- Submission deadline for conference papers: February 20, 2017

- Acceptance notification: April 15, 2017

- Camera-ready/Author registration: April 30, 2017

- Symposium dates: June 7-9, 2017


The 8th International Symposium on Highly Efficient Accelerators

and Reconfigurable Technologies (HEART) is a forum to present

and discuss new research on accelerators and the use of

reconfigurable technologies for high-performance and/or

power-efficient computation. Submissions are solicited on a wide

variety of topics related to the acceleration for high-performance

computation, including but not limited to:


- Architectures and systems:

--- Novel systems/platforms for efficient acceleration based

on FPGA, GPU, and other devices

--- Heterogeneous processor architectures and systems for scalable,

high-performance, high-reliability, and/or low-power computation

--- Reconfigurable and configurable hardware and systems including

IP-cores, embedded systems, SoCs, and cluster/grid/cloud

computing systems for scalable, high-performance and/or

low-power processing

--- Custom computing system for domain-specific applications such

as Big-data, multimedia, bioinformatics, cryptography, and more

--- Novel architectures and device technologies that can be applied

to efficient acceleration, including many-core/NoC architectures,

3D-stacking technologies and optical devices

- Software and applications:

--- Novel applications of high-performance computing and Big-data

processing with efficientacceleration and custom computing

--- System software, compilers and programming languages for

efficient accelerationsystems / platforms, including many-core

processors, GPUs, FPGAs and otherreconfigurable /custom processors

--- Run-time techniques for acceleration, including Just-in-Time

compilation and dynamicpartial-reconfiguration

--- Performance evaluation and analysis for efficient acceleration

--- High-level synthesis and design methodologies for heterogeneous,

reconfigurable and/orcustom processors/systems


In order to encourage open discussion on future directions, the

program committee will provide higher priority for papers that

present highly innovative and challenging ideas.


We are planning to organize special sessions on HPC, Big data, and

Dynamic Reconfiguration. When submitting a paper, please select

topic(s) if the paper is related to them. Note that regardless of

the selection of special session topic(s), your paper will undergo

the same peer-review process as the main technical track.


Prospective authors are invited to submit original and unpublished

contributions as 6-page papers to be considered as regular papers

or 4-page papers to be considered as poster papers. All contributions

must be submitted electronically in PDF format (two columns,

US letter size, single-spacing, 10 points for main body text).


For double-blind review, manuscripts must NOT identify the authors

in any way, so author names, affiliations, e-mail addresses and

self-references should be blanked out. Papers that identify authors

may be rejected without review. You can submit your contribution(s)

by following this easychair submission link.


Subm ission: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=heart2017


Each accepted paper MUST have at least one author with a regular

registration for the manuscript to be included and published in

the symposium proceedings and ACM post-proceedings (tentative).

Authors are also expected to attend and present their paper(s) at

the symposium.


The HEART2017 paper template can be download here: HEART2017 template

in MS-Word, HEART2017 template in Latex.


MS-Word: http://www.isheart.org/HEART2017/heart2017.doc

Latex: http://www.isheart.org/HEART2017/heart2017.cls



Organizing Committee:

General co-chairs:

Michael Huebner, Ruhr-University Bochum, DE

Diana Goehringer, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, DE


Technical program co-chairs:

Holger Blume, Leibniz University Hannover, DE

Martin Herbordt, Boston University, US

Hiroki Nakahara, Tokyo Tech, JP


Publicity co-chairs:

Kenji Kanazawa, University of Tsukuba, JP

Brain Veale, IBM, US

Gabriel Almeida, Harman International, DE


Finance and local arrangement chair:

Linda Trogant, Ruhr-University Bochum, DE


Publication chair:

Yuichiro Shibata, Nagasaki University, JP


Design contest chair:

Donald Bailey, Donald Bailey, NZ


Best regards


Gabriel Almeida

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