[SoC] Report 5 - Improving IstSOS Web API and finalizing IstSOS Javascript Core Library

Luka Glusica luka.glusica89 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 2 15:00:26 PDT 2017

Hello everyone,

My job is to improve IstSOS Web API by fixing and modernizing the IstSOS
JavaScript core library and rewritting the IstSOS Web Widget Creator and
fix some major issues along the way.

*What did you get done this week?*

I prepared library configuration for publishing and did some testing, to
make sure that everything works fine.

*What do you plan on doing next week?*

I decided to take time and write unit tests for the library, starting from
tomorrow until the end of the project. So every time, library build runs, a
lot of tests will come first and if everything goes well, build will be
finished. Also, I will start with conceptual design of new and improved
IstSOS Web Widget Creators and that will be done in consultance with the

*Are you blocked on anything?*

Currently, everything is going according to plan.

Best regards,

Luka Glusica


Wiki <https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/IstSOS_Web_API>

IstSOS core library API docs <http://luka-g.github.io/javascript-core/>
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