[SoC] [GRASS-dev] GSoC 2017 Weekly Report 5 - SOS tools in GRASS GIS

Ondřej Pešek pesej.ondrek at gmail.com
Fri Jun 30 17:24:19 PDT 2017

Hi everyone!

Here is the fifth report of my GSoC project - SOS tools in GRASS GIS. You
can see my project at wiki at [1]

What did you get done this week?

* using vectors in pyGRASS instead of v.in.sos
* support multiple offerings
* layers are for offerings and observed properties, rows are for one feature
* handle data input with no observations for
* handle too big input with warnings and errors

 * first version (just draft with some bugs, they are saved as issues and
will be solved after my return)

What do you plan on doing next week?

As I declared in my timeline and proposal, I would like to apologize that
from tomorrow morning to the fifteenth of July, I will be out of internet
and electricity (due to my work at summer camp). So I won't be able to do
anything connected with GSoC.

Are you blocked on anything?

* Will be blocked on the absence of internet and electricity


[1] https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/wiki/GSoC/2017/SOSInGRASS
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