[SoC] Google Summer of Code 2017 Timeline for the coding period

Helmut Kudrnovsky hellik at web.de
Tue May 30 04:16:46 PDT 2017

Dear students,

just a short summary of the "Google Summer of Code 2017 Timeline" for the coding period that everyone can quickly reference to it:

* May 30 Coding officially begins!
* Work Period Students work on their project with guidance from Mentors
* June 26 16:00 UTC Mentors and students can begin submitting Phase 1 evaluations
* June 30 16:00 UTC Phase 1 Evaluation deadline; Google begins issuing student payments
* Work Period Students work on their project with guidance from Mentors
* July 24 16:00 UTC Mentors and students can begin submitting Phase 2 evaluations
* Work Period Students continue working on their project with guidance from Mentors
* July 28 16:00 UTC Phase 2 Evaluation deadline
* August 21 - 29 16:00 UTC Final week: Students submit their final work product and their final mentor evaluation
* August 29 - September 5 16:00 UTC Mentors submit final student evaluations
* September 6 Final results of Google Summer of Code 2017 announced

happy coding!

Your OSGeo GSoC admins

[1] https://developers.google.com/open-source/gsoc/timeline

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