[SoC] Improve GRASS GIS integration in QGIS 3 - Week 6 Report

Radek Novotný radeknovotny94 at gmail.com
Sun Jun 24 12:22:59 PDT 2018

 Hi All,

This is my report for Week 6 (June 18 - June 24):

*What did you get done this week?*
I had last week of my exams at my university, hence a progress in the
project is not big.

   - I continued with bug fixing in parser library (1)
   - Split GRASS module parameters in Processing plugin to tabs was
   postponed. See (2)

*What do you plan on doing next week?*

   - Fix bugs in parsing library
   - Research how modules and parameters are divided at this moment and
   also check terminology.

*Are you blocked on anything?*

   - No, at the moment I’m not blocked.

For more see wiki (3)

(1) ​https://github.com/radeknovotny94/GRASS_Parse_to_QGIS_UI
(2) ​
(3) ​https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/wiki/GSoC/2018/IntegrationInQGIS3
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