[SoC] Week 2 Report : Making pgRoutingLayer plugin compatible with QGIS 3.0

Aasheesh Tiwari aasheesht50 at gmail.com
Sun May 27 08:04:46 PDT 2018

Hi all!
I'm Aasheesh Tiwari and I'm working on my GSoC project, Making
pgRoutingLayer plugin compatible with QGIS 3.0  and adding GUI support for
proposed functions.
This is my report for the second week of coding.

*1) What did I complete this week?*

   - Implemented unit test for pgRoutingLayer_utils
   - Implemented unit test for FunctionBase
   - Implemented unit test for various function files

*2) What am I going to achieve for next week?*

   - Continue writing tests for the code
   - Port pgRoutingLayer_utility to python 3 with two methods.
   - DIscuss the pros and cons of each method and choose one method
   - Port rest of the code with chosen method.

*3) Is there any blocking issue?*
No at the moment.

Here the links to my wiki page [0] and GitHub repository [1] and this
week's PR [2]


[1] https://github.com/pgRouting/pgRoutingLayer/tree/gsoc/python3

[2]  https://github.com/pgRouting/pgRoutingLayer/pull/51

Kind Regards,
Aasheesh Tiwari
Mtech , IIT Bombay
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