[SoC] Interest in contribute to OSGeo!

Facundo Ferrin facundo.ferrin at gmail.com
Sat Mar 23 08:31:58 PDT 2019

Hi everyone!

My name is Facundo Ferrin. I am a nuclear engineer who is taking a master
in Computer Vision in Barcelona, and finally I found my opportunity to
contribute to OSGeo by applying two things that I really like: Python and
Backend development 🙌. I do not know exactly what I should write in this
first email, so I'll start by listing the projects I'm interested in. You
can also find my CV attached to this email.

I'm working in a company that is developing a platform for precision
agriculture called Auravant (https://www.auravant.com/). I work as a
backend developer and data analyst and I use daily almost every tool that
you post in the ideas: GeoServer, PostGIS, QGis. I'm also porting a tool
for polygon simplification called topoJSON (

For what I said before, there are two projects that caught my attention:
- Create new rules for the Topology Framework in gvSIG Desktop
- QGIS 3D Improvements

I think that maybe I can apply some of the things that I learned from
topoJSON for the first project, and things that I learned from the master
to the second project. Learn C++ is in my schedule (because for Computer
Vision is really important) so it will be really useful for me to program
in C++, and in case that the project is hard enough, I could make it in
Python (which has support for Qt) and it could be translated into C++ as a
GSoC 2020 project.

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