[SoC] Fwd: GSoC 2019 Introduction - New rules for the Topology Framework in gvSIG Desktop - Mauro Carlevaro

Mauro Carlevaro gianimauro at vera.com.uy
Thu May 23 19:42:50 PDT 2019

Hi everyone, I send you the last update of the wiki referring to the project "New rules for the Topology Framework in gvSIG Desktop". Furthermore, I updated the project repository and redefined the details of the weekly milestones, the 3 evaluation periods were added to the timeline and the description of the details was also improved. 

OSGeo wiki page link: https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/New_rules_for_the_Topology_Framework_in_gvSIG_Desktop#References 

GitHub wiki page link: https://github.com/Maureque/gvsig-gsoc2019-topology/wiki/New-rules-for-the-Topology-Framework-in-gvSIG-Desktop/_edit 

Repository link: https://github.com/Maureque/gvsig-gsoc2019-topology 
Test link: https://github.com/Maureque/GSoC_2019/ 

Your comments are of great importance, t hank you!!!! 

Have a nice day, regards. 


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