[SoC] Regarding update/editing of Project title and abstract on my GSoC dashboard

Rajat Shinde rajatshinde2303 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 13 06:09:05 PDT 2020

Dear Himanshu,

Thanks for your email and apologies for the delayed response.

My mentor told me to ask for confirmation from OSGeo-GSoC Admins. So, I am
> asking for your *permission.* Can I do it, if I am able to update the
> project title and abstract on my GSoC dashboard. Please help me in this
> regard.

Yes, please go ahead and edit the project description. It is recommended as
the final project details would be accessible on the Dashboard. You will be
able to edit the details from your project dashboard.

Please let us know if you have any further queries.

Thanks and regards,
OSGeo GSoC Admins

On Thu, Aug 13, 2020 at 5:23 PM Himanshu Raj <raj.himanshu2 at gmail.com>

> Dear OSGeo-GSoC Administrators,
> Please, have a look into this matter.
> Regards,
> Himanshu Raj
> On Sat, 8 Aug 2020 at 10:58, Himanshu Raj <raj.himanshu2 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear OSGeo-GSoC Administrators,
>> I want to update/edit the project title and abstract on my GSoC
>> dashboard. It is so because the final work product [1]  which I will be
>> delivering after the program ends will be different from what is stated on
>> my project description [2]. Google also encourages to update the project
>> title and abstract if it is necessary [3]. I can see an EDIT button on my
>> GSoC dashboard through which I think I can update the details.
>> My mentor told me to ask for confirmation from OSGeo-GSoC Admins. So, I
>> am asking for your *permission.* Can I do it, if I am able to update the
>> project title and abstract on my GSoC dashboard. Please help me in this
>> regard.
>> Regards,
>> Himanshu Raj
>> *Links*
>> [1] Project Wiki
>> <https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/wiki/GSoC-2020-Implementation-of-Edge-Contraction-Technique-in-pgRouting>
>> [2] https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/projects/#6436985213812736
>> [3]
>> https://developers.google.com/open-source/gsoc/help/accepted-students#update_your_project_abstract_and_title
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