[SoC] Final report

BELGACEM NEDJIMA gb_nedjima at esi.dz
Mon Aug 31 05:38:29 PDT 2020

As we reached the end of Google Summer of Code 2020. I present my final
I really enjoyed being part of this project and I'm looking forward to
making more open source contributions in the future.

   - *Title:*  Improving QGIS 3D
   - *Organization: *QGIS and OSGeo
   - *Abstract: *

QGIS 3D was introduced in QGIS 3.0 in 2018 and has been improved over the
last 2 years. This is a continuation of last year’s summer of code project
which was done by Ismail Sunni. The project goal is to implement some
features for QGIS 3D viewer.

   - *State of the project before GSoC:*

The 3D viewer of QGIS was introduced in QGIS 3.0 and implemented by my
mentor Martin Dobias. It has improved over the time and got new
functionalities, but when I used it for a brief time I noticed some missing
features I wanted to implement.

   - *Work done before the GSoC coding period:*
      - Setup of the development environment.
      - Reading the QEP (QGIS Enhancement Proposal) of QGIS 3D.
      - Understanding more about how the 3D side of QGIS is implemented.
      - Made a small bug fix that got merged into the master branch (Github
   - *Work done during GSoC:*
      - *Texturing support*:
      Previously, QGIS users could only use Phong shading as materials for
      building geometries generated from vector layers. My goal was to make it
      possible to add texture images to the geometry of buildings. I started by
      reading the internal QGIS code and experimenting with Qt3D
internals. First
      I experimented with just adding a texture on all triangles and got it
      screenshot of when I got textures working
      Screenshot of the separation between walls and roofs
      Then I moved on to the separation between walls and roofs, I solved
      this problem by calculating the angle between each triangle’s normal and
      the horizontal plane, if that angle is small enough we consider that the
      triangle belongs to a wall, otherwise it’s a roof.
      For how the user interacts with the texturing and provides different
      texture for walls and roofs, I used the rule based rendering and added a
      combo box from which the user can specify which facade to render (meaning
      to render a wall or a roof). I also added some parameters to adjust the
      scale of the texture and its rotation.
      - *Directional lights:*
      QGIS 3D already has support for point light. Since the two of them
      are quite similar, implementing directional light was quite
      - *3D Scene export:*
      For the blender export I made a custom .obj files exporter. My
      implementation was quite tedious to implement because there were
      types of layers and entities and I had to handle materials as well. I
      relied on extracting geometry information from the vertex buffer and the
      index buffer, making that work with DEM terrain, flat terrains and vector
      layers. For the materials I used the .mtl specification to export colors
      and textures. I added some UI to handle the resolution of texture and
      Here are some screenshots of what I was able to export:
         - DEM terrain exported with .OBJ smoothing option on and off in
         Blender: <https://imgur.com/Jkl9kfu>
         - Vector layer export <https://imgur.com/LWBtHqf>
         - Exporting terrain texture (Blender) <https://imgur.com/Rfm3PvB>
         - Exporting terrain texture (MeshLab) <https://imgur.com/2MOmeYJ>
         - Rule based rendering and material export
      - *Skybox rendering:*
      First I experimented with Qt3D skybox but found some difficulties
      using it (there was a bug that was fixed in later releases) and it wasn’t
      also extensible (for different types of skyboxes), then I copied the
      implementation of the skybox entity from Qt3D and made it work.
      I introduced 2 ways of providing skyboxes:
         - 6 distinct faces for the skybox cube map: The user gives each
         face of the skybox individually.
         - 1 panoramic image: The user simply gives one panoramic image
         (like an .HDR image form https://hdrihaven.com/) and the renderer
         takes care of making the skybox.
         - Some .gifs of the skybox in QGIS: gif image
         <https://imgur.com/5Z8fUvm>, gif image 2
      - *Shadow rendering (unfinished work):*
      This was the hardest feature to implement and I couldn’t even finish
      it in time without some visual artifacts.
      Previously, I learned about some shadow rendering techniques and
      shadow mapping was the technique I’m most familiar with, so after
      discussing with mentors I decided to try and implement it.
      To implement it, I first started with experimenting with Qt3D frame
      graphs and converted an example implementation of shadow mapping provided
      by Qt3D but made with QML. I made that implementation into a Github
      repository. Then I started to port that implementation to QGIS by
      making some post processing effects. After that I tried implementing the
      shadow rendering but using a static light camera which resulted in a bad
      shadow resolution. To try and fix that I calculated the view frustum in
      world coordinates and used that to compute a bounding box that is used to
      move the light camera to where the user is looking at. The
results were not
      perfect but better than having the shadow being very low resolution. Also
      in the shader, I made the shadows look soft using a technique called
      percentage closer filtering.
      Some screenshots of the shadow rendering: zoom out
      <https://imgur.com/RWGM72e>, zoom in <https://imgur.com/hs6A8R2>
   - *Weekly reports: *https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Improving_qgis_3d
   - *What is left to implement:*
   - Finishing the shadow rendering implementation.
      - Make point lights work with shadow rendering.
      - Enhance python integration that didn’t have the time to complete.
      - List of links to contribution I made related to the GSoC project:
   - Small bug fix commit
      - Vector layer texturing PR <https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/pull/36981>.
      - Directional lights PR <https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/pull/37016>.
      - 3D scene export PR <https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/pull/37588>.
      - Skybox rendering <https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/pull/38087>.
      - Shadow rendering <https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/pull/38448>.
      - Qt3D shadow mapping sample in pure C++ repository
      - QGIS improvements proposal
      - *What's next: *I will try to implement new features and contribute
   more features in QGIS whenever I have the time to. The community was great
   and I loved working on the project.

Best regards,

Belgacem Nedjima
4th year computer science and engineering student.
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