[SoC] GSoC 2020 - Data transaction implementation on pygeoapi - Coding Period Week 1 Report

Alex Mathew pingalex94 at gmail.com
Sat Jun 6 10:17:39 PDT 2020

Hi Everyone,

This is my report for Coding Period Week 1 (June 1st  - June 7th).

*What I have done during this period?*

   - Created a new openapi document
   <https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis/boomslang/pygeoapi/3.0.2> by adding
   schemas for remove(DELETE), insert(POST), modify(PATCH), replace(PUT)
   - Pushed the proposed openapi document sample to the openapidoc branch
   in my forked repo <https://github.com/alex-mathew/pygeoapi>
   - Shared the doc with pygeoapi community for suggestions

*What do I plan on doing next week?*

   - Modify openapi.py file so that it generates the proposed openapi
   - Test the code for compliance

*Blocking issues*


You can find this weekly report in the project wiki


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