[SoC] Introduction

Han Wang hanwgeek at gmail.com
Sat Apr 3 04:08:11 PDT 2021

Hi all,

My name is Han WANG. I am a graduate student majoring GIS at Peking
University, and will get my Master's degree in 2023. And this is my github(
https://github.com/HanwGeek). It is very exciting to join in the open
source community! My research interest includes massive spatial temporal
data management and analysis. I took Database systems and Spatial Database
course and understand the meaning of PostgreSQL/PostGIS index like
GiST/BRIN. Currently, I am working on a machine learning project based on
big trajectory data, which is stored in PostgreSQL database and managed by

I want to apply the GSoC program and now I am preparing my proposal draft.
Feel free to contact me about anything! I am looking forward to hearing
from you.

Best regards,
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