[SoC] Implement 3D scene visualization support to MapMint

Aryan Kenchappagol aryan.kenchappagol at gmail.com
Mon Aug 2 06:09:55 PDT 2021

Hello everyone, this is my report for the 8th week of the Coding Period [26
th July’21 to 1st August’21]

What did I get done this week?

-        Added Code for developing UI of 3D Viewer.

-        Working on loading the preview of existing 3D models on webpage.

-        Added volumes to the docker-compose file.

Plans for the upcoming week:

-        Continue with UI: setup with existing models.

Am I blocked on anything?

-        No, I am not blocked on anything.

Related Links:

-        GitHub <https://github.com/aryanxk02/3D-Visualization-Support>

-        Project Page

-        ZOO-Project <https://github.com/ZOO-Project/ZOO-Project>
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