[SoC] [OSGeo @ GSoC 2021] Final Call for ideas and mentors

Rahul Chauhan rahulnitsxr at gmail.com
Thu Feb 18 23:03:05 PST 2021

Hi Gerald,
Thanks for your email and also for updating the ideas page, we really
appreciate it. :)

On Thu, Feb 18, 2021 at 10:45 PM Gérald Fenoy <gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr>

> Dear Rahul,
> Thanks for the reminder and sorry for sending this so late.
> A link to the idea page for the MapMint Guest Project has been added soon
> the wiki page referencing this year GSoC idea [1]
> Good luck to every project participating to this year GSoC.
> Best regards,
> Gerald Fenoy
> [1] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code_2021_Ideas
> Le 15 févr. 2021 à 18:11, Rahul Chauhan <rahulnitsxr at gmail.com> a écrit :
> Dear OSGeo community,
> Time is short, we need to collect all URLs strictly by 18th February 2021 so as to complete OSGeo’s org application before *19th February 2021* [6]. After submitting an organisation application Google's admins will start evaluating the organisations based on the submitted ideas pages and decide which orgs will be accepted for the GSoC 2021.
> In continuation of earlier email regarding GSoC 2021 [1], please consider this as a last call for updating the projects ideas page.
> If you are willing to act as a mentor [2], fill in this form:
> < https://forms.gle/9Na1vzGX3ESxqgpj9 >
> If you want to participate in proposing ideas, you just need
> to send us (admins: <gsoc-admin at osgeo dot org>) the URL for your project's ideas page.
> Remember that every idea should indicate:
>     • A title
>     • A description
>     • 2 mentors
>     • A test for the students to submit to your evaluation. The test aims at evaluating if the student is capable for the project, so please design the test having in mind the skills required to complete the project. (For reference: [3][4])
> Note: GSoC 2021 comes with some new changes in the program. We sincerely request to go through the announcement mentioning new changes [6][7].
> Kind regards,
> OSGeo GSoC admins
> [1] https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/discuss/2021-January/039210.html
> [2] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code_2021_Administrative
> [3] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code_2020
> [4] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code_2020_Ideas
> [5] https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/how-it-works/#timeline
> [6] https://opensource.googleblog.com/2020/10/google-summer-of-code-2021-is-bringing.html
> [7]  https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/discuss/2021-January/039211.html
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*Rahul Chauhan*
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