[SoC] GSoC 2021 - Week-5 Report: Implement Edge Coloring Algorithm for pgRouting by the Boost Graph Library

Veenit Kumar 123sveenit at gmail.com
Sun Jul 11 09:41:42 PDT 2021

Hello everyone,
This is the report for the First Coding Period: Week 5 ( July 05th - July
11th ).

*What did I get done this week?*
    - Created the necessary class wrapper for the Boost function.
    - Worked on `include/coloring/pgr_edgeColoring.hpp`.
    - Worked on `src/coloring/edgeColoring_driver.cpp`.
    - Worked on `src/coloring/pgr_edgeColoring.cpp`.
    - Made a pull request with all these changes [1].
    - Details can be found here [2].

*What do I plan on doing next week?*
    - Make pgTap tests pass.
    - Make `tools/testers/doc_queries_generator.pl -alg coloring` pass.
    - Details of sub-tasks can be found in [2].

*Am I blocked on anything?*
    - No, I am not blocked on anything.

The log of Pull Requests can be found in [3].
The detailed wiki page can be found in [4].
The Public repository I am working on can be found in [5].

[1] https://github.com/pgRouting/GSoC-pgRouting/pull/179
[5] https://github.com/veenits123/GSoC-pgRouting

Any feedback and suggestions are welcome.

Veenit Kumar
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