[SoC] Introduction and Kick-off for Community Bonding Activities: Dhruv Mehta

Dhruv Mehta dhruvmehtaalt at gmail.com
Tue May 7 06:45:01 PDT 2024

Hello Everyone,

I'm Dhruv Mehta, I have completed my Bachelor's in Computer Science and
Engineering & am currently pursuing my Master's at IIT Bombay, India.
Skilled in C, C++,Java, JavaScript, and Python, I'm enthusiastic about
contributing to OSGeo and ZOO-Project. In the previous semester I completed
a GIS course and am currently enrolled in an Advances in Geospatial
Standards course where I am learning more about OGC Standards.  I'm eager
to contribute and make meaningful improvements.

Thanks and Regards,
Dhruv Mehta
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