[Southeast-US] Geospatial Studio at NC State: Intro to GRASS GIS

Vaclav Petras wenzeslaus at gmail.com
Tue Sep 6 09:24:36 PDT 2016

For those from Raleigh area:

Intro to GRASS GIS

Geospatial Studio this Thursday at NC State University

September 8, 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Take your first steps in GRASS GIS by attending the Geospatial Studio and
learning how to use this free (as in freedom) software at this free (as in
free beer) event. After the introduction, there will be time to try your
own data in GRASS GIS. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own laptops.
Please arrive a few minutes early if GRASS GIS is not already installed on
your computer.

Contact me privately if you want some help with figuring out the parking.


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