[Spanish] Fwd: [Conference-europe] announcement

Jorge Sanz jsanz at osgeo.org
Mon Sep 29 10:24:12 PDT 2014

Para ir reservando agenda el julio próximo.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Maria Antonia Brovelli <maria.brovelli en polimi.it>
Date: 2014-09-28 13:38 GMT+02:00
Subject: [Conference-europe]  announcement
To: Jachym Cepicky <jachym.cepicky en gmail.com>, Jeff McKenna
<jmckenna en gatewaygeomatics.com>
Cc: foss4g-europe <conference-europe en lists.osgeo.org>

Dear Jachym and Jeff below the announcement. Nice sunday.


We are proud to announce the second Edition of the FOSS4G (Free and
Open Source For Geospatial) Europe Conference.

The Conference aims to bring together FOSS4G users and developers
worldwide and foster closer interactions with and amongst European
communities in order to share ideas for improving geodata, software
and applications openess and availability.

It will be held at Politecnico di Milano
(http://www.polo-como.polimi.it/en/), Como (Italy),  from July 14
through 17, 2015.

A one day of workshops precedes the conference (13 July 2015) and the
code sprint closes the event (18 July 2015).

Besides the traditional Academic Track (one day track), three special
Tracks on FOSS4G for water resources (one day track), OpenGeodata
(half day track) and FOSS4G for Libraries (half day track) will be

A meeting of the Labs involved in the GeoForAll
(http://www.geoforall.org/) initiative will take place.

A mapping party for celebrating the International Map Year (

http://internationalmapyear.org/) will be organized together with ICA
and other Associations.

Last but not least, the winners of the NASA Worldwind Europe Challenge 2015 (

http://eurochallenge.como.polimi.it/) will present their innovative
apps to the public.

This is just the beginning. Stay tuned: website and more information
available soon.

Maria Brovelli & the Organizing Team

Prof. Maria Antonia Brovelli
Vice Rector for Como Campus and GIS Professor
Politecnico di Milano

FOSS4G ASIA - Don't miss it!

ISPRS WG IV/5 "Web and Cloud Based Geospatial Services and
Applications"; OSGeo; ICA-OSGeo-ISPRS Advisory Board; NASA WorldWind
Europa Challenge; SIFET

Via Natta, 12/14 - 22100 COMO (ITALY)

Tel. +39-031-3327336 - Mob. +39-328-0023867 - fax. +39-031-3327321

e-mail1: maria.brovelli en polimi.it

e-mail2: prorettrice en como.polimi.it

Conference-Europe mailing list
Conference-Europe en lists.osgeo.org

Jorge Sanz

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