[Spanish] A simple circle upgrades the State of the Map

Munich Orientation Convention volksnav at volksnav.de
Thu Nov 5 01:42:05 PST 2020


Estimados hispanohablantes,


me permito llamar vuestra atención a la conferencia virtual FOSS4G Korea
2020, session 4:  <https://foss4g.osgeo.kr/track-english-01>

Ese evento posiblemente va a ser considerado el inicio de la abolición de
codigos de localización enigmaticos, mapas sin reja de referencia,
senalización sin puntos cardinales etc.





A simple circle upgrades the State of the Map 

Henrique Koehler / Munich Orientation Convention

Nonacademic reference grids A, B, C, 1, 2, 3... are hardly zoomable, so they
got unused. Consequently, the State of the Map is a Naked Emperor: no grid
at all (!) and the answer to the question "where?" is "here!"
www.volksnav.de/YouAreHere . This unworthy situation caused the
proliferation of enigmatic location codes, some based on names (!?)


A simple standard circle www.volksnav.de/r100Seoul and the rebirth of the
Time/Space Convention *) will upgrade the State of the Map, create
imaginable location codes, help to avoid confusions
www.volksnav.de/confusions etc. etc.. 

FOSS4G Korea 2020 can have a relevant role on this quantum jump. 


*)  if I look outwards, right hand is clockwise


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