[sr.org] Discussion of open and authoritative projection databases

Julien Moquet moquet.julien at gmail.com
Wed Sep 14 14:20:50 PDT 2016


Howard tells us that spatialreference.org is made of django + postgresql.
The reference is in a table as wkt strings, and GDAL 1.8 (or about) is used
to translate projections.

He also tells me sr.org can be accessed by the SAC committee.
What do you think of it as a starting point ? sr.org is nearby what we want
to do.
It is just need to be more open.
Eventhough, may be a reference can still exists independently on a git repo
as we were thinking.


2016-09-14 5:10 GMT+02:00 manfred at egger-gis.at <manfred at egger-gis.at>:

> About ESRI:
> In the last days i finished my work with Shapefile ProjectionFinder and
> published a free version for all worldwide registered EPSG - Codes in
> geotools 2.6.0 basing on local transformations.
> During testing i saw that ArcGis 10.3.1 do not read WKT generated by
> geotools.org. I get a unknown projection message !
> QGIS can read WKT by geotools without any problems.
> So i offer in my GUI two options (look at png) which WKT the user can
> generate (OGC or ESRI).
> I think it would be important to offer in this maybe new projection
> database a ESRI WKT, too. In spatialreference.org there is a ESRI option.
> Using ESRI as database was not my intention.
> Best regards,
> Manfred
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Julien Moquet" <moquet.julien at gmail.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2016 5:17pm
> To: spatialreference.org at lists.osgeo.org
> Subject: [sr.org] Discussion of open and authoritative projection
> databases
> _______________________________________________
> spatialreference.org mailing list
> spatialreference.org at lists.osgeo.org
> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/spatialreference.orgDear all,
> Alright, we should start we these :
> - spatialreference
> - epsg.io
> - projections/index.html
> - https://github.com/ebrelsford/projestions#api
> - http://www.epsg-registry.org/
> - ESRI
> Now we can seek for their projection databases format.
> Spatialreference est écrit en python avec django (REST). I don't know about
> the native format it uses, but we could ask Howard. I am not sure if it is
> a SGBDR.
> EPSG.io uses the epsg registry parsed into a sqlite database (about 36Mo),
> unreadable.
> projections/index.html is using Sphinx templating.
> https://github.com/ebrelsford/projestions#api is EPSG <
> http://www.epsg.org/>'s
> CRS data over a postgist table i think.
> http://www.epsg-registry.org/ I don't really know. It seems to be private
> code. Eventhough, we can download raw data from it in 5 different format.
> ESRI. I don't know. Manfred ?
> Regards,
> Julien.
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