[SriLanka] QGIS plugins developed for the Survey Department of Sri Lanka

prabhath npjasinghe at gmail.com
Tue Sep 10 18:32:44 PDT 2019

      I am happy to share about a some QGIS plugins developed  for the Sri Lanka Survey Department staff and the professional survey community. 
I am a  surveyor attached to the LIS branch at the headquarters and we receive field survey data from all over the country for data processing. When processing these data, spatial errors such as gaps, overlaps and computation errors of the polygon extents and other errors which leads to issues in the QA process could be seen,
Therefore we have decided to develop some self-quality checking tools to the surveyors in the field to reduce these errors. This will leads to better quality digital data ,which will help to produce better hard copy plans which are issued to the public as well.
Therefore, under the directives of the Research and Development section of the Department, I developed three plugins named as
•         Parcel Checker
•         Extent checker
•         Topology checker
 “Parcel checker”:  help to check the land parcel boundaries and if the boundaries drawn using the department standard data layers, the plan will be generated correctly. 
 “Extent checker”:   helps to check the computed spatial extent of polygons with the written texts in the hardcopy survey Plan. If there any mismatching, the difference will be reported in the auto-generated text file.
“Topology checker”:  allow to check the gaps and overlaps of the polygons that generated during two time laps comparing the old survey polygon boundary that published as a feature and the  processed current data.
Now the tools are being used and verified by our department and we are aiming at make these tools available as QGIS Plugins publicly so more than 800 government surveyors and 1500 registered licensed surveyors would be the benefited.
If you wish to try these tools, please feel free to contact me
thanking you
Nishan  Prabhath

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