[OSGeo-Standards] [Fwd: [Foss4g2011] WMS Compliance Shootout?]

Satoru Takagi sa-takagi at kddi.com
Thu Mar 10 03:43:32 EST 2011


You may have already known it. For a countermeasure about 
the performance issue of WMS, expansion for static tiling have 
been examined. http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Category:Tiling
However, the progress seems to stop now.

For that reason, I think that methods to expand WMS which is interface 
for dynamic service to introduce the static architecture are not 
a simple and proper.

Originally the basics of the WWW are static. Therefore, I think that 
the static mapping method for WWW should be re-designed based on 
this basic WWW architecture.
We propose the specifications for that as SVG Tiling and Layerig
 (by using hyper-documents) Module. http://bit.ly/bFuuxz

However, I do not have a plan attending at those meetings.


Satoru Takagi

<4D761079.5020800 at arnulf.us> の、
   "[OSGeo-Standards] [Fwd: [Foss4g2011] WMS Compliance Shootout?]" において、
   ""Seven (aka Arnulf)" <seven at arnulf.us>"さんは書きました:

> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> Hash: SHA1
> Guess this is something for this list too.
> Cheers,
> Arnulf.
> - -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [Foss4g2011] WMS Compliance Shootout?
> Date: Mon, 7 Mar 2011 12:11:13 -0700
> From: Eric Wolf <ebwolf at gmail.com>
> To: foss4g2011 <foss4g2011 at lists.osgeo.org>
> Thought of the day...
> I've been trying to resolve some issues with the WMS services provided by
> The National Map. It got me thinking that maybe we could have a WMS
> compliance shootout in addition to the performance shootout. There's an OGC
> meeting in Boulder the week after FOSS4G. I wonder if we could get someone
> involved in both meetings to put together the shootout?
> - -Eric
> - -=--=---=----=----=---=--=-=--=---=----=---=--=-=-
> Eric B. Wolf                           720-334-7734
> - --
> Exploring Space, Time and Mind
> http://arnulf.us
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> =v3ZH
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