[OSGeo-Standards] Comments on OGC 12-101 " OGC® Web Coverage Service 2.0 Interface Standard - GeoTIFF Coverage Encoding Extension"

Mr. Puneet Kishor punk.kish at gmail.com
Wed Oct 31 17:39:30 PDT 2012

Gosh, this is *really* well done. I learned a lot just from reading the comments. Much respect Even.

On Nov 1, 2012, at 7:29 AM, Even Rouault <even.rouault at mines-paris.org> wrote:

> 1. Evaluator:
>        Even Rouault (even dot rouault at mines-paris dot org),
>        GDAL/OGR contributor
> 2. Submission:
>    OGC 12-101, "OGC® Web Coverage Service 2.0 Interface Standard - GeoTIFF 
> Coverage Encoding Extension"
> -----------------------------------------------------
> 1. Requirement: #6, "compression" (/req/geotiff-coverage/additional-parameters)
> 2. Implementation Specification Section number: §6.3.1 GetCoverage request
> 3. Criticality: Major
> 4. Comments/justifications for changes:
> There are some ambiguities that should be clarified to ensure proper 
> understanding and interoperability related on "compression". It is not always 
> obvious to correlate the string values of the proposed standard with the 
> actual values of the related TIFF compression tag (259). More precisely, :
> 	* "Huffman" is not the usual way of designating the "Modified Huffman 
> Compression" (TIFF compression scheme) of the TIFF6 specification. Even the 
> TIFF specification isn't completely consistant in the naming, since this method 
> is also called "CCITT 1D" in "Appendix A: TIFF Tags Sorted by Number". In GDAL 
> or in libtiff software, it is for example called CCITTRLE. I'm not sure if 
> there's an universally agreed way of designating this method, but some 
> clarification might be helpfull.
> 	* "JPEG". There is a high risk of confusion on this one. In TIFF6 
> specification, there's a JPEG compression method described, as being the 
> compression method number 6. However, this method is only of historical 
> revelance, and is now known as the "Old JPEG" in TIFF specification. 
> http://www.remotesensing.org/libtiff/TIFFTechNote2.html (which has been mostly 
> pasted into 
> http://partners.adobe.com/public/developer/en/tiff/TIFFphotoshop.pdf ) explains 
> the problems with this original specification, and an alternative method, 
> number 7. Producers of JPEG compressed TIFF are highly encouraged to produce 
> files using method number 7, and deprecate method 6. This is COMPRESSION_JPEG = 
> 7 constant of libtiff, and the COMPRESS=JPEG creation option of the GDAL 
> GeoTIFF driver.
> Related to JPEG compression, the proposed standard doesn't specify which value 
> for the Photometric tag the server should use to generate the GeoTIFF. For 3 
> bands RGB JPEG-in-TIFF, PhotometricInterpretation = YCbCr or RGB can be used. 
> YCbCr leads to higher compression rates (at the expense of some quality loss) 
> due to the default subsampling factor of 2 for the Cb and Cr componants. Not 
> specifying the photometric interpreation to use (or not offering a parameter to 
> the user to specify it) isn't strictly required for this standard to be 
> implemented successfully : this lets an implementation choice to the server 
> side, and the client side must be able to cope with YCbCr or RGB photometric 
> interpretations.
>       * "DEFLATE". This method isn't described at all in TIFF6 specification, 
> but in http://partners.adobe.com/public/developer/en/tiff/TIFFphotoshop.pdf as 
> compression = 8. In libtiff, this corresponds to the following constant : 
> COMPRESSION_ADOBE_DEFLATE = 8. Note that libtiff also defines 
> COMPRESSION_DEFLATE = 32946, but this is apparently only historical. In GDAL, 
> --> Recommandation 1 : add a mapping between the string in the GML and the 
> value of the Compression TIFF tag, like the following table :
> 	Compression name			Value of Compression TIFF tag
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 	None						1
> 	PackBits					32773
> 	Huffman					2
> 	LZW						5
> 	JPEG						7 (as in TIFFTechNote2)
> 	DEFLATE					8
> --> Recommandation 2 : make it clear that the JPEG in the GeoTIFF Coverage 
> Encoding Extension is meant to be the method 7 as in TIFFTechNote 2, inseadd 
> of method 6 as in TIFF6.pdf
> --> Recommandation 3 : add mention to TIFFTechNote2 and TIFFphotoshop.pdf in 
> Bibliography
> -----------------------------------------------------
> 1. Requirement: #6, "predictor" (/req/geotiff-coverage/additional-parameters)
> 2. Implementation Specification Section number: §6.3.1 GetCoverage request
> 3. Criticality: Minor
> 4. Comments/justifications for changes:
> a) It should perhaps be mentionned that "predictor" only makes sense for LZW 
> and Deflate compression methods of the proposed standard (references:  
> TIFFPhotoshop.pdf page 2, 
> http://www.awaresystems.be/imaging/tiff/tifftags/predictor.html ). The later 
> page mentions that "Theoretically, the predictor step is independent from the 
> compression step, and thus can be combined with any compression scheme", but 
> in practice a review of the libtiff code only that is only handled by the 
> Deflate, LZW, Pixarlog and LZMA compression methods. I have no strong opinion 
> on whether it should be mentionned in an informational note that the 
> applicability of predictor is limited to LZW and Deflate , or if this should be 
> formalized as a constraint (like jpeg_quality only applicate for 
> compression=jpeg).
> b) As far as "Floatingpoint" is concerned, this method isn't described in 
> TIFF6.pdf. http://www.awaresystems.be/imaging/tiff/tifftags/predictor.html 
> mentions that "A third specification supplement from Adobe, that is not yet 
> available on-line, defines this new value:  3 = Floating point horizontal 
> differencing. ". Actually, I found in 
> http://wwwimages.adobe.com/www.adobe.com/content/dam/Adobe/en/products/photoshop/pdfs/dng_spec_1.4.0.0.pdf 
> a mention to "3 = Floating Point. Documented in “Adobe Photoshop TIFF 
> Technical Note 3” (page 20) and links to http://chriscox.org/TIFFTN3d1.pdf 
> "Adobe Photoshop® TIFF Technical Note 3" . This method is implemented in 
> libtiff.
> -----------------------------------------------------
> 1. Requirement: #6 (/req/geotiff-coverage/additional-parameters)
> 2. Implementation Specification Section number: §6.3.1 GetCoverage request
> 3. Criticality: Minor
> 4. Comments/justifications for changes:
> There's no apparent consistency rule for the case of the values of the various 
> parameters.
> - For compression, you have : "None", "PackBits", "Huffman", "LZW", "JPEG", 
> "DEFLATE” (mix of UpperCamelCase and upper case).
> - For predictor, you have : "None", "Horizontal", "Floatingpoint" (why not 
> FloatingPoint ?).
> - For interleave, you have "pixel", "band" (lower case)
> -----------------------------------------------------
> 1. Requirement: #6, "tilewidth" and "tileheight" (/req/geotiff-
> coverage/additional-parameters)
> 2. Implementation Specification Section number: §6.3.1 GetCoverage request
> 3. Criticality: Minor
> 4. Comments/justifications for changes:
> Perhaps add a note for implementators of the server side that some 
> care/validation should be made with large values of those parameters. It is 
> possible to generate a 20x20 raster, with for example 65536x65536 tile 
> dimensions. This can lead to huge RAM, CPU and temporary storage consumption.
> -----------------------------------------------------
> 1. Requirement: 
> 2. Implementation Specification Section number: Documentation of 
> "predictorType" in wcsGeotiff.xsd
> 3. Criticality: Minor
> 4. Comments/justifications for changes:
> The current documentation predictorType is a copy&paste error from the 
> documentation of interleaveType
> -----------------------------------------------------
> 1. Requirement: General
> 2. Implementation Specification Section number: General
> 3. Criticality: Minor
> 4. Comments/justifications for changes:
> The proposed standard only refers to "classical" TIFF, which is limited to 
> files smaller than 4GB. Has it been considered that BigTIFF 
> (http://www.remotesensing.org/libtiff/bigtiffpr.html) could be necessary to 
> satisfy some huge requests ? I'm not sure however if this is in the scope of 
> WCS to address such requests.
> -----------------------------------------------------
> 1. Requirement: 
> 2. Implementation Specification Section number: Annex B Bibliography
> 3. Criticality: Major
> 4. Comments/justifications for changes:
> Add a link to :
> - http://www.remotesensing.org/libtiff/TIFFTechNote2.html : for JPEG 
> compression (method 7)
> - http://partners.adobe.com/public/developer/en/tiff/TIFFphotoshop.pdf : for 
> Deflate compression (method 8)
> - http://chriscox.org/TIFFTN3d1.pdf : for Floating-point predictor algorithm

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