[OSGeo-Standards] Fwd: The OGC Seeks Comments on CandidateGeoPackage Standard

Jeff Harrison jharrison at thecarbonproject.com
Wed Jan 9 09:56:24 PST 2013


Thanks for the note to the group. Yes, there is interest in getting community input on an easy-to-implement 'core' for GeoPackage able to support simple (but very important) use cases. 

Some have called this 'GeoPackage Lite' ;-)


Jeff Harrison
The Carbon Project
Twitter: @JeffHarrison

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 9, 2013, at 11:50 AM, "Carl Reed" <creed at opengeospatial.org> wrote:

> Just to add to what Arnulf has stated. Now is a good time to provide input to define a more simple "core" for this candidate standard. This is the first review period for this document. There will be a second public comment period later in the process.
> Please note that GeoPackage is one of the first OGC candidate standards going to early release so that developers can try the spec out and provide implementation experience input into the process. This change in the OGC process is the result of suggestions and comments from the OSGeo community. Thanks!
> Regards
> Carl
> -----Original Message----- From: Arnulf Christl
> Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2013 3:06 AM
> To: standards at lists.osgeo.org
> Subject: [OSGeo-Standards] Fwd: The OGC Seeks Comments on CandidateGeoPackage Standard
> Hash: SHA1
> Folks,
> I believe many have been waiting for something along this line. From
> first looks it is maybe a litttle overblown for the easy use cases (as
> any good old standard should be) but it may have a lot of potential.
> Please consider checking this out and be aware that we have an open
> slot for the OGC membership awarded to indiviual developers who would
> be interested in actively joining the working group.
> Cheers,
> Arnulf
> - -------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Betreff: The OGC Seeks Comments on Candidate GeoPackage Standard
> Datum: Tue, 8 Jan 2013 14:06:58 -0500
> Von: announce at opengeospatial.org
> An: arnulf.christl at metaspatial.net
> OGC <http://www.opengeospatial.org/>
> - ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> For Immediate Release
> Contact:  info at opengeospatial.org
> The OGC Seeks Comments on Candidate GeoPackage Standard
> 8 January 2013 - The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC®) seeks public
> comments on the current draft of the candidate OGC GeoPackage (GPKG)
> Standard. The GPKG Standards Working Group will consider all comments
> when preparing a final draft of the candidate standard.
> Mobile device users who require geospatial application services and
> associated data and who operate in disconnected or limited network
> connectivity environments frequently do not have open, available
> geospatial data to support their applications. Applications include such
> things as mobile

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