[OSGeo-Standards] OGC individual membership slot

Gérald Fenoy gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr
Sun Jul 29 05:38:42 PDT 2018

Hi all,
I send this short email to report my activities in OGC.

I was trying to attend as much as possible the group meetings for being able to follow the WPS-2.0 SWG work.

In early 2017, we had discussed with the WPS-2.0 SWG about the bugs I had found in the WPS-2.0 schemas. This discussions led to a WPS 2.0 XML schemas fix that has been part of a WPS-2.0 corrigendum. This corrigendum was made public  on 2018 February 23th.

Thanks to my access, I was able to follow up with the REST Binding Extension from the private github repository and before through the discussion during meetings. Also, I am trying to follow the Test Bed 14 and to fetch the informations about the WPS-T which is of huge interest for me. Both REST and Transactional support should be included in a future version of the ZOO-Project.

Recently, I have renewed my OGC membership to continue my participation in the WPS-2.0 SWG in the next period.

Best regards,

Gérald Fenoy

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