[OSGeo-Standards] glossary discussion on osgeo-standards ....

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Thu Oct 24 15:02:18 PDT 2019

Reese, these are questions we can flesh out of the coming weeks. I 
propose upcoming steps:

* Receive endorsement from OSGeo Board at the next meeting in a week or 
so to be officially recognised as an OSGeo committee.

* Set up an OSGeo Lexicon email list (action on me to coordinate)

* Continue fleshing out our draft OSGeo Lexicon process as per here: 

* In a few weeks, reach out to OSGeo projects again and invite them to 
join our email list and committee. Hopefully pick up a few people. 
(action on me)

* Bootstrap our OSGeo Lexicon committee. (Action on me to coordinate, 
I'll be leaning on others to step up to chair).

* Refine and agree on our priorities and processes
** Yes, language used will be English, and likely will lead to 
translating to other languages in future stages.

On 24/10/19 12:45 pm, rplews at tc211tmg.org wrote:
> thank you for your support but i would like to yield my suggested 
> nomination as a chair of this new committee to someone, in my opinion, 
> who is more involved with the workings of OSGEO. i do however plan to 
> remain active and involved with the workings and discussions of the 
> group, hopefully in some type of registered capacity. i am sure there 
> are a number of OSGEO members who may be interested in such a position.
> i am not certain if OSGEO has an official working language or not. i 
> dont know enough about the demographics of the OSGEO members. i 
> hesitate to suggest any language requirements for members of  the 
> group, however i am assuming that  the official fundamental 
> terminology entries will be developed and/or harmonized, and 
> maintained in english.  "approved" terminology entries may then be 
> translated by experts of their respective languages, similar to how 
> our group in TC211 works.  the unique requirements of the group enable 
> many opportunities for participation.
> it is difficult to decided without more consultation if this is how 
> the group will function but from what you initially were proposing, it 
> seems this is a common structure and procedural framework of such a 
> group.
> there could also be some level of a consensus and feedback, however 
> that  process "flow" depends upon the operating structure of OSGEO, 
> therefore, in my opinion, the chair of the committee should be someone 
> from OSGEO.
> i am happy to discuss off list or via telecon at your convenience.

Cameron Shorter
Technology Demystifier
Open Technologies and Geospatial Consultant

M +61 (0) 419 142 254

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