[OSGeo-Standards] Invitation To Tender: OGC API-Features tool adjustments initiative by Geonovum

Gobe Hobona ghobona at ogc.org
Tue Oct 25 05:09:17 PDT 2022


Geonovum, an OGC Member, has announced an Invitation To Tender (ITT) for a project aligning tools that implement OGC API-Features with OGC Standards, the Dutch API Design Rules and INSPIRE. On Monday 7 November 2022, there will be an online information session. Register by sending an email to info at geonovum.nl <mailto:info at geonovum.nl>, addressed to Pieter Bresters.

More information about the ITT is available at https://www.geonovum.nl/themas/invitation-to-tender <https://www.geonovum.nl/themas/invitation-to-tender>


Dr. Gobe Hobona, PhD MRICS
Director of Product Management, Standards | Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)
Mobile: +44 744 409 6781
ghobona at ogc.org <mailto:ghobona at ogc.org> | ogc.org <http://ogc.org/> | @opengeospatial


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