[OSGeo-Standards] OSGeo Standards Committee 2023-10-27 meeting notes

Rajat Shinde rajatshinde2303 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 27 07:40:47 PDT 2023

Hello all!

Thanks, Tom for sharing the MoM.
Apologies, I missed the meeting as it didn't show up in my calendar. I can
post my updates based on the agenda topics below -

Activities -
1. Attended OGC GeoHuntsville 2023 and presented in the Point Cloud DWG
2. Contributing to the OGC TrainingDML standard (partially through Testbed
3. Recently, I also joined the GeoParquet SWG and attended the last call

OGC Code Sprint -
1. I will be participating virtually and will work on DRU implementation
for the OGC TrainingDML workflow. Details TBD.

Thank you!
Kind regards,

Dr. Rajat Shinde
Computer Scientist
The University of Alabama in Huntsville
Cramer Research Hall/NSSTC 1034
OSGeo Board of Directors

On Fri, Oct 27, 2023 at 8:45 AM Tom Kralidis via Standards <
standards at lists.osgeo.org> wrote:

> Hi all: thanks to everyone who attended today's meeting and the valuable
> discussion.  Minutes can be found at [1].
> Thanks
> ..Tom
> [1]
> https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Standards_Committee/Meetings/Meeting-2023-10-27
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