[OSGeo-Standards] 2024 Joint OGC – OSGeo – ASF Code Sprint - Pre-event webinar

Tom Kralidis tomkralidis at gmail.com
Mon Feb 19 19:05:54 PST 2024

Hi all: FYI the Joint OGC - OSGeo - ASF Code Sprint pre-event webinar will
take place tomorrow from 14h - 15h UTC, in advance of next week's 3 day
sprint event.

More information on the sprint can be found at [1] and [2].  Note that
there will be an OSGeo overview as part of the pre-event to introduce the
participating organizations.

If your OSGeo or FOSS4G project is planning on participating, please feel
free to update the sprint wiki page [3][4] and related issue [5].



[2] https://developer.ogc.org/sprints/23
[5] https://github.com/opengeospatial/developer-events/issues/127
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