[OSGeo-Standards] OGC API Features, Records and JSON-FG at the upcoming OGC/OSGeo Code Sprint

Clemens Portele portele at interactive-instruments.de
Wed Jan 24 05:00:45 PST 2024

Dear Colleagues,

OGC, OSGeo and the Apache Software Foundation are planning the 2024 Joint OGC - OSGeo - ASF Code sprint as a hybrid event to take place in Evora, Portugal between 26-FEB-2024 and 28-FEB-2024 [1].

The purpose of this email is to solicit feedback to find out who is planning to attend and what work they are planning to do (if any) related to the following OGC standards:

OGC API - Features - Parts 1-5
OGC API - Records - Part 1: Core
OGC Features and Geometries JSON (JSON-FG) - Part 1: Core
Common Query Language (CQL2)

These standards are either approved or we are planning for an OGC approval vote in 2024.

Our purpose here is to determine the scope of work that might be done at the code sprint related to these standards and to allow for some minimal coordination ahead of time to advance these standards and the software that supports them.

So, please let us know by responding to this email, if you are planning to attend and considering to do work related to any of the standards listed above,

- whether you will be there physically or virtually,
- what work you are planning to do at the code sprint related to the standards listed above.

Thank you for your consideration...

Clemens Portele (chair and editor of the Features, CQL2 and JSON-FG standards)
Peter Vretanos (co-chair and editor of the Features, CQL2, JSON-FG and Records standards)

[1] https://developer.ogc.org/sprints/23/

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