[OSGeo-Standards] Does OSGeo really "understand" OGC?

Joana Simoes joana at doublebyte.net
Thu Jan 16 02:15:03 PST 2025

Hi Even,

I understand your frustration, but I don´t think you should give up on 

There are people in the WG (and I am also aligned with that) that think 
that we should not break the compatibility of PROJJSON with a new 
format, and the experiments that are being made may end up being just 
that (experiments).  Your voice as an OGC member, is as valuable as 
anyone else and OGC does value market adoption.

Maybe we could introduce a session to discuss this at the next member 
meeting? What do you think?

                              Best wishes for the new year,


P.S.: On Luis suggestion of OSGeo having a voting membership, I think 
that is also something worth discussing.

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