[STDM-dev] lxml library- QGIS python error

Solomon Njogu Solomon.Njogu at unhabitat.org
Thu Apr 3 00:38:55 PDT 2014

Dear All,
Am working on stdm plugin developing a module on custom form generator 
with QGIS 2.2.
Am experience a strange issue with with lxml library when I import it to 
my code. When I run QGIS, I am getting this error "ImportError: DLL load 
failed: %1 is not a valid Win32 application."
Any thoughts why this is happening. 
It looks like this issue is not document well and would like to try a 
couple of this to see if I can fix it but let me know if you find 
In the meantime, I will revert to xml.etree.ElementTree to work on some 
urgent plugin features
Kind Regards,

Solomon N.
Land and GLTN Unit, Urban Legislation, Land and Governance Branch l 
NOF Block 3 Level 3 South Wing I P.O. Box 30030, 00100 Nairobi, Kenya l 
+254 20 762 3032
Email: solomon.njogu at unhabitat.org l Website: www.unhabitat.org. | 
Partners' website: www.gltn.net
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