GIS Specialist Position at the MAC

Fawcett, David David.Fawcett at STATE.MN.US
Thu Nov 2 08:45:16 EST 2006

The MPCA will soon be posting a GIS (ITS2) position as well.  Watch the
DOER Web site.  
Not as much cool opensource stuff as the MAC, but there will likely be
more opportunities as time goes on....

	-----Original Message-----
	From: Twin Cities MapServer Users Group
[mailto:TCMUG at] On Behalf Of David William Bitner
	Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2006 3:31 PM
	To: TCMUG at
	Subject: GIS Specialist Position at the MAC
	The Metropolitan Airports Commission has an opening for a GIS
Specialist.  This position will be primarily for cartography and
analysis duties within the Environment Department Noise Program at the
MAC.  Position information can be found on the MAC website at
	David William Bitner 

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