Nov. 14th Meeting

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Tue Nov 14 11:19:22 EST 2006

I can make it but with only 3 folks available that's not much of a meeting. I would 
vote to skip it today and reschedule for later in the month (perhaps the week after
thanksgiving?) - also as a social event.


>>> >>> Brian Huberty <Brian_Huberty at FWS.GOV> 11/14/2006 9:19:00 AM >>>

Hi all,

Something that came up in the ASPRS/MAPPS board meeting last week that
should be of interest to the group.  ASPRS is working on a draft "Manual of
GIS" slated for publication next year.  I am supposed to get a copy to
review later this year.   I don't know who is writing it but there is
supposed to be a  chapter on web-based geospatial systems.

Interestingly enough, there was enough interest in getting beyond GIS
(desktop) and move into supporting the next generation "Manual of Web-based
Geospatial Systems"  (there may be a better title).  And ASPRS will publish

However, it will take a small group of people to develop an outline and
write chapters.  The bottom line is developing a stand-alone bible/manual
that anyone can pick-up and find answers.

Something to think about...

for the meeting tonight, I can make it as well but I only see Dave B
coming.  Anyone else or should it be cancelled for this month.


If anyone is going to the 2007 Remote Sensing Workshop planning meeting at
LMIC on Friday:

I’ve heard back from most of you regarding a time and place for our
inaugural meeting.? The best suitable time seems to be:

Friday, November 17
10:30 am to noon
Room 304 Centennial Office Building

With your permission, I’ll tentatively book it.? We can have a speaker
phone available so Gerry in Duluth can join us telephonically.

If you can’t make it, please let me know.

The goal of our first meeting will be to begin establishing expectations *
in the program content, duration, scheduling, invited speakers’ list,
intended participants, venue, registration options, etc.? We’ll try to
address all these issues broadly and assign committee members to dive into
them more deeply off-line.? If you think this list might be missing
something, please let me know.

I learned last week in a teleconference with the workshop sponsors that 10
similar workshops are being planned in other states.? Most are only
slightly ahead of us in their planning, and range from elementary to highly
specialized.? For example:

      *        Vermont is planning a Remote Sensing 101 program to try and
      bring all members of its statewide Spatial Data Partnership
      organization up to speed on the technology.
      *        New Jersey’s workshop is being organized through Rutgers
      University and is geared toward a general government audience but
      focused specifically on LiDAR technology; with hands-on education
      through the use of QT Modeler ( ) and
      presentations by USGS staff representing the CLICK Project (Center
      for LIDAR Information Coordination and Knowledge: The goal of the workshop is to develop a
      statewide LiDAR users group.
      *        Wisconsin is working through the State Cartographer’s Office
      and focusing on Geospatial Technology more broadly than just remote
      sensing with a thematic eye toward applications in the area of
      Emergency Management.? The workshop will be coupled with the state’s
      Governor’s Conference on Emergency Management and Homeland Security
      to be held sometime in the spring of 2007.

The key here is to let you know that we have lots of latitude.? So be
prepared to bring your best ideas forward.

I’ll send a message out early next week to confirm the meeting, just as
soon as I hear from the rest of the group.

Many thanks,


Christopher Cialek
MN Land Management Information Center
658 Cedar Street;? St. Paul, MN 55155
phone: 651.201.2481
fax: 651.296.3698
email: chris.cialek at 

This might be another good opportunity to get Mapserver plugged into this
upcoming workshop.  I will be attending this and anyone interested in
helping out is welcome to attend.


Brian Huberty, Regional NWI Coordinator
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, R-3 Ecological Services
1 Federal Drive, Mail Stop 4056
Ft Snelling, MN  55111-4056

brian_huberty at 
Direct Phone (612) 713-5332
Toll Free (800) 247-1247 x5332
Cell Phone (612) 308-7306
Fax (612) 713-5292
Ecological Services (612) 713-5350

             Stephen Lime                                                  
             <sdlime at COMCAST.N                                             
             ET>                                                        To 
             Sent by: Twin             TCMUG at LISTS.UMN.EDU                 
             Cities MapServer                                           cc 
             Users Group                                                   
             <TCMUG at LISTS.UMN.                                     Subject 
             EDU>                      Nov. 14th Meeting                   
             11/13/2006 10:40                                              
             Please respond to                                             
                Twin Cities                                                
              MapServer Users                                              
             <TCMUG at LISTS.UMN.                                             

Hi Folks: According to the calendar we're supposed to have a social
meeting tomorrow. The location was Town Hall if I recall correctly. Are
others going?


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