Next meeting
Pericles S. Nacionales
naci0002 at UMN.EDU
Wed Apr 18 01:41:35 EDT 2007
Our next meeting will be held as a picnic at Minnehaha Park on May 22.
Please invite your friends or anyone who is interested in MapServer and
general open source GIS "things". The date isn't set in stone so if you
think another date is better (and you can convince enough people to
come), let us know.
We had a good turnout and a productive meeting yesterday--thanks to
Brian Fischer and Houston Engineering for hosting. Paul Wickman gave a
demo of Emmons and Olivier Resources' (EOR) p.mapper-based web mapping
applications. P.mapper is a web mapping framework that uses
PHP/MapScript, similar to DM Solutions' Chameleon and Camptocamp's
CartoWeb. David Fawcett gave an example of using python script and OGR
python module to create shapefiles from comma-delimited ascii datasets.
Brian Fischer then gave a GeoMOOSE demo, a JavaScript-based framework
for creating web mapping applications. All open source, all the time! ;)
By the way, the MN GIS/LIS conference has posted a call for
presentations, discussions, posters, and product demonstration.
Consider submitting presentations that have an open source GIS theme,
and if you have any product that uses open source geospatial software
consider submitting a demonstration. Submission deadline is on May 18.
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