Mapserver coordinates

Vishal Nagpal vishu_73ns at YAHOO.COM
Thu Aug 9 00:31:54 EDT 2007


1. I have been able to get the RASTER FILE(TIF) to display using the
projections suggested, I have still not been able to understand projection
concept to the core( I am still hopefull and working on it).

2. Now the problem I am facing is that I have different layers in different
coordinates and thus units, I have a DGN file with extents from -ve to +ve
in METERS, where as the TIF file has it in  DD, I need to use the mapfile
for the display of both layers possibly together.

3.  Also the DTED file (Again DD) which I have opened using projections is
displaying the height but in a distorted manner.

4. Is it possile to stitch these TIF files(or DGN) in Mapserver itself or
the stitching needs to be done prior to the loading in server. 

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