Thurs Mapserver Meeting with ASPRS
Fawcett, David
David.Fawcett at STATE.MN.US
Tue Feb 13 11:54:20 EST 2007
Before getting in trouble with their wives, husbands, significant
others, did anyone else remember that we decided to meet on Valentines
-----Original Message-----
From: Twin Cities MapServer Users Group
[mailto:TCMUG at] On Behalf Of Brian Huberty
Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2007 10:08 AM
To: TCMUG at
Subject: Thurs Mapserver Meeting with ASPRS
Just a reminder, the Mapserver group will be meeting this
Thursday starting at 5pm at the Officer's Club.
You can order food at the bar, or eat with the ASPRS group at
around 7pm. Just let Brian Huberty know today if you will be eating with
the ASPRS group - London Broil or Walleye. (The club needs a head
count.) and bring $25.
dinner is around 7pm and the program will start around 7:30 pm.
dress is casual but they don't allow hats to be worn in the bar
- tradition.
American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Western Great Lakes
Annual Dinner
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Who: The MN & WI Geospatial Community - members and non-members
What: The 2007 ASPRS Western Great Lakes MN/WI Area Annual
Dinner and Minnesota Air National Guard Museum A-12 Memorial Service!
When: Thursday, February 15, 2007 - 5pm - 9pm
Where: 934th Officer's Club
Hwy 5 and Post Road at the end of Runway 30L at MSP Airport
Start off in the Bar from 5-7pm, main floor, to toast the loss
of the Minnesota Air National Guard's A-12:
In case you have not heard, the CIA is dismantling and moving
Minnesota's A-12 this month to a new museum at CIA Langley. (Just what
we need, another museum and monument in Washington, DC!)
Supper will be in the main ballroom at around 7pm
Program: Not One but TWO Presentations!
1) "Civil Air Patrol" rescue stories and their ARCHER
Hyperspectral Search and Rescue System"
Bill Rutten, LTC Civil Air PatrolDalen Kruse, Capt. Civil Air
2) "Manager Partner Technology"
Steve Ernst, Lockheed Martin
Dinner Cost: $25
(Bring $25 or a check made out to ASPRS WGL to the Dinner)
REPLY BY Tuesday, Feb. 13 via email TO:
brian_huberty at
with your dinner choice:
1) Sumptuous Feast - Sliced London Broil, new potatoes and
Chef's veggies
2) North Country Special - Canadian Walleye, wild rice, seasoned
3) Vegetarian
REPLY BY NO LATER THAN February 13, 2006.
Questions - call Brian Huberty @ (612) 713-5332
Brian Huberty, Regional NWI Coordinator
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, R-3 Ecological Services
1 Federal Drive, Mail Stop 4056
Ft Snelling, MN 55111-4056
brian_huberty at
Direct Phone (612) 713-5332
Toll Free (800) 247-1247 x5332
Cell Phone (612) 308-7306
Fax (612) 713-5292
Ecological Services (612) 713-5350
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