[TCMUG] Re: Update: MN GIS/LIS Birds of a Feather Sessions

Fawcett, David David.Fawcett at state.mn.us
Thu Sep 17 15:38:30 EDT 2009

I will be there, but don't really have anything to offer up as content
for the session.  
Aside from the beer and bs, what would we like new or potential users to
hear about?
What would be of interest to people on this list and other users that
aren't often in the same room together?

	-----Original Message-----
	From: tcmug-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
[mailto:tcmug-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Perry Nacionales
	Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2009 2:29 PM
	To: tcmug at lists.osgeo.org
	Subject: Re: [TCMUG] Re: Update: MN GIS/LIS Birds of a Feather
	So, who's attending and who wants to coordinate? Let's discuss
this and reply to Stacey.
	I most likely won't be able to make it to the conference...
Maybe one of the Brians or Davids? GeoMOOSE folks?
	On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 10:16 AM, Steve Lime
<Steve.Lime at dnr.state.mn.us> wrote:

		I doubt I'll be attending this year. I do think the
local OSGeo chapter will be interested
		in doing a BoF again though. I've CC'd that list in the
hopes someone will want to take
		the lead.
		>>> On 9/16/2009 at 12:13 PM, in message
<4AB11CCB.2070701 at d.umn.edu>, Stacey Stark
		<slstark at d.umn.edu> wrote:
		> Steve and Mark:
		> If you are still interested in hosting a Birds of a
Feather session at
		> the conference, we will have the ballroom (where the
beer tasting will
		> be) beginning at 6:00pm (beer event starts at 7:30)
and can assign a
		> table or two off in the corner for your meeting.   We
have one other
		> hydrography BoF session during that time (6:45-7:30).
We will type up a
		> description and start time to insert into the
conference packets.
		> Please let me know, or pass this information on to
someone who may be
		> interested in hosting.
		> I know you both had some different (and good) ideas
about incorporating
		> these into sessions or demonstrations - and maybe you
have already done
		> that (I don't have all the demo and session
information).    Let me know
		> what you'd like to do on Thursday night, if anything,
and we should be
		> able to accommodate your requests.
		> Best,
		> Stacey
		> Stacey Stark wrote:
		>> Hello Steve and Mark:
		>> I am working as conference chair -elect this year for
		>> Conference in October.   We are re-evaluating  the
schedule, and are
		>> wishing to get some feedback on the Birds of a
Feather sessions.
		>> Last year the vendor reception, fun run, silent
auction, beer tasting,
		>> and birds of a feather events all fell within quick
succession of one
		>> another and there was some overlap.   In order to
make sure everyone
		>> can attend the sessions they'd like to, we are trying
to determine
		>> whether or not we could arrange these differently.
		>> A few questions for you:
		>> Are you interested in leading a "birds of a feather"
session again at
		>> the Fall Conference?
		>> How did the attendance at the session last year
compare to previous
		>> years?
		>> Do you want to continue the "birds of a feather"
meetings (whether or
		>> not you lead it)?
		>> What are your comments about having this at a
different time other
		>> than Thursday night?  (Thursday or Friday morning at
7:45am, Wednesday
		>> evening, birds of a feather tables at Thursday and/or
Friday lunch?)
		>> Another idea is to move these to Thursday at 5:30, as
we do not plan
		>> to have the silent auction this year.
		>> Or we can keep it at 7:30 on Thursday night.
		>> Thanks for your input!  Please let me know if there
are others I
		>> should contact, I am new to the MN GIS/LIS Consortium
		>> Kind Regards,
		>> Stacey
		Tcmug mailing list
		Tcmug at lists.osgeo.org

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