[TCMUG] FW: [PyMNtos] Fwd: [ruby.mn] Three Evenings of JavaScript!
Canvas, jQuery/jQuery UI and Node.JS
Fawcett, David (MPCA)
David.Fawcett at state.mn.us
Thu Oct 28 15:34:02 EDT 2010
Below is a description of three free evening events in Bloomington. They are being hosted by Sierra Bravo / The Nerdery and organized by Marc Grabanski.
The events are free, but have limited seating, so register quickly if you are interested.
FYI: This was posted to the Ruby users group. It has all the details
on the JavaScript event at the Nerdery.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Marc Grabanski <m at marcgrabanski.com>
Date: Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 12:09 PM
Subject: [ruby.mn] Three Evenings of JavaScript! Canvas, jQuery/jQuery
UI and Node.JS
To: rubymn at googlegroups.com
I put together speakers for three evenings of JavaScript. The event is
free, 7-9PM each evening Nov 9-11th.
Registration on http://eveningof.eventbrite.com
Three evenings of JavaScript! Canvas, jQuery and Node.JS
Event created and organized by Marc Grabanski. Venue thanks to The
Nerdery (Sierra Bravo).
Please make sure you register one ticket for each evening you are
attending. Each evening is capped at 100 people.
November 9th: Evening of Canvas
7PM: "Introduction to Canvas" - Mike Frey
8PM: "Canvas Geek Time" - Zachary Johnson
Cool or possibly useful things you can do with Canvas, both desktop
and mobile. Plus tips on optimizing Canvas performance, including
when not to use Canvas while still getting Canvas-like results.
November 10th: Evening of jQuery/jQuery UI
7PM: "jQuery UI and Plugins (along with brief intro to jQuery Mobile)"
- Marc Grabanski
Introduction to jQuery UI and its underhyped CSS framework. See jQuery
UI in action and get tips on how to chose good jQuery Plugins. Learn a
bit about the upcoming jQuery Mobile framework as well.
8PM: "Building a Google Maps Mashup with jQuery" - Marc Grabanski
Build on top of Google Maps with jQuery. Learn some basic tips to work
with other JavaScript libraries and demo various abilities of jQuery
and jQuery UI. Some tips will include using Ajax, jQuery UI, building
HTML, attaching data to DOM elements and using jQuery UI widgets. This
is a hands on approach to demoing jQuery's strengths in working with
the DOM and using jQuery UI's components.
November 11th: Evening of Node.JS
7PM: "An introduction to node.js" - Blago Dachev
Server side JavaScript is finally taking off. After years of futile
attempts we finally have a JavaScript host that not only allows for
general purpose programming but also performs well. Better yet, you
can apply those event handling skills you've been cultivating for
years. Learn about node.js and why it's here to stay.
8PM: "Beyond propaganda: let's write a real-time app" - Blago Dachev
Node.js excels in doing network and file IO, but don't take my word
for it -- we'll take it for a spin. Let's implement a realtime web app
that uses WebSockets to stream instantaneous updates.
Marc Grabanski
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