[TCMUG] April Social - Pick a Nite

Perry Nacionales pnaciona at gmail.com
Tue Apr 5 13:35:43 EDT 2011


Let's make this official.

What: TCMUG April Social
When: Thursday, April 14, 2011, 5-8PM (or whenever)
Where: Sea Salt Restaurant, Minneapolis, MN

I took the liberty to cut and paste from the last message I sent...

I do have one request since I can't make this event. Could we please talk
about meeting topics for the next few months? At least until June or July.
The annual OSGeo conference is going to be in Denver this year... That
should give us plenty of things to talk about. But not just talk. Let's
actually plan to do something.

What about GIS/LIS conference? A workshop survey was sent out a week or two
ago and I noticed there weren't a whole lot of open source things in it...
let's do something about that.

I'm assuming we're going to have another BOF... can we top the attendance
from last year? It's probably going to be at the Red Carpet this year...
It's been 5 years since the last time we were there.

Again, let's use this social to plan out the next few meetings. Bring
friends and co-workers who might be interested in open source geospatial

Drink one for me!


On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 12:09 PM, Lime, Steve D (DNR) <
steve.lime at state.mn.us> wrote:

> Ian Dees set up a Doodle for this. Most votes wins…
>   http://www.doodle.com/tudpyfuhg8mzuwr7
> Steve
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