[TCMUG] OGC talk Thurs 6 pm

Nancy Read nancread at mmcd.org
Tue Oct 25 08:46:54 EDT 2011

Hi, all - This is a public event sponsored by GITA, Carl's in town for the
Gecco event.

Please come out and support "Open", bring others (sign up at the "ticket"
spot to make sure there's room)  - NR


*A Message For Minnesota’s Geospatial Community*

*Thursday, October 27**th**, 6:00 p.m.*

Metro Counties Government Center, 2099 University Ave. West, Saint Paul


*Dr. Carl Reed* <http://www.opengeospatial.org/user/10>*,* Chief Technology
Officer, Open Geospatial Consortium <http://www.opengeospatial.org/>

Meet the Man behind the Myth!


   Designed and implemented the first fully interactive vector-based GIS,
   the Map Overlay and Statisitical System (MOSS), 1977-1978.

   Lead engineer and a software developer for GenaMap, the worlds first
   interactive UNIX based commercial GIS.

   Former vice president of geospatial marketing at Intergraph Corporation

   2009 recipient of the URISA GIS Hall of Fame award

What does “Open” mean? Not just royalty-free or free of patent restrictions
– it includes open dialog with many organizations and users, in a community
that includes *everyone who uses maps*. The OGC has expanded its focus past
essential tech standards, and is now looking towards domains of interest.
New kinds of standards are coming that are semantically rich. Information
models like those used in transportation, aeronautics, or hydrology, are
encoding-neutral. Location is hot right now, and changing quickly – there
are 12-15 other standards organizations that include some location element.

*Make sure you have a place at this event -*

click here to get a ticket <http://www.eventbrite.com/event/2232575694> or
go to *tinyurl.com/44zobzx*

This is a unique opportunity to hear from a thought leader who oversees
worldwide efforts to further the sharing and use of geospatial information.
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