David William Bitner bitner at gyttja.org
Tue Sep 18 09:02:45 PDT 2012

Oops, just noticed I sent to the old umn address for TCMUG.

Another idea I just had -- it might be cool to collect screenshots of apps
that folks here have built using FOSS tools and build a slide deck to put
on a loop on the monitor when not being used to demo things. Would anyone
volunteer to collect and put together something like that?

On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 9:28 AM, David William Bitner <bitner at gyttja.org>wrote:

> Hey all,
> We are planning on having a booth at GIS/LIS for the OSGeo Twin Cities
> Chapter and FOSS4GNA 2013. We are paying for this booth with support from a
> handful of sponsors (still being fully worked out, let me know if you are
> interested). I have the following goals for this booth:
> Increase the profile of OSGeo Twin Cities Chapter and FOSS Geospatial
> products
> Advertise the FOSS4GNA 2013 Conference
> Normalize FOSS as a commercially supportable product
> I will be able to bring a 46" monitor on a stand with a laptop that we can
> use for any demonstrations. Bob B is looking into getting OSGeo live DVDs
> to pass out as well as looking at getting OSGeo promotional signage and
> materials. At a minimum I'll be printing a sign with OSGeo and FOSS4GNA
> (hopefully we can have something by then) logos on our plotter along with
> logos from the folks who are sponsoring the booth and might consider
> something more like a banner if we get enough sponsorship to cover it.
> Places that we could use some help:
>    - Manning the booth (particularly if you have things you can demo on
>    the screen)
>    - Providing any materials on Open Source services you/your company
>    offer
>    - Provide any materials on Open Source products you/your company
>    support
>    - People like give-aways, if you have any promotional materials you'd
>    like us to pass out (moose antlers anyone?) let us know
>  For those that are having their own booths, I hope we can cross-advertise
> as much as possible. If anyone has any other ideas for this booth or any
> questions/comments on the above, please reply to this message keeping both
> the TCMUG and LOC lists on the reply.
> Cheers!
> David
> --
> ************************************
> David William Bitner

David William Bitner
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