[TCMUG] New Maptime Chapter in MSP

David Fawcett david.fawcett at gmail.com
Sat Nov 8 13:18:20 PST 2014

A local Maptime chapter is starting up in the Twin Cities!

If you haven't heard of Maptime, you can learn more at http://maptime.io/
There are currently over 30 chapters worldwide and growing.

The idea is to provide an opportunity for local people from all different
disciplines, skill sets, experiences, and perspectives to talk geo and

I think that this will be a great opportunity for the local OSGEO community
to reach a wider audience, and show off the cool things that you are doing
with open geospatial.

After the TC OSGeo meeting, Bitner, Kari, and I were talking about how the
creation of a Maptime chapter could help us reach more people.  In the
meantime, Taylor Long and Liz Puhl came back from NACIS and started a local
chapter!  Kari, David, and I are working with them to pull a group together.

Meetings will have different formats. Some will have presentations, others
will be working/hack meetings. The first meeting will likely be focused on
learning to edit Openstreetmap.

Join the Meetup group and start following us at
Watch for an announcement for our first meeting.
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