[TCMUG] OSGeo Community Sprint Sponsorship Soliciitation

Howard Butler howard at hobu.co
Mon Jan 7 08:57:22 PST 2019


I am emailing you to solicit your financial support for the OSGeo Community Sprint [1] to be held May 14-17th, 2019 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. I will describe in more detail why this event is so important, and why my company has been a sponsor and participant since it started in 2009. 

Open source software developer communities are organized around specific pieces of software, many of which your organizations depend upon to deliver your commercial products and services. The developers, documenters, testers, and infrastructure supporters of these tools are located throughout the world, and they communicate on their chosen software topic through email lists, ticket repositories, and (sparingly) voice chat. Detailed technical discussion about intricate topics can make for very slow communication and decision making over asynchronous email chains.

Contrary to the name, a "sprint" is primarily a venue for project participants to have high bandwidth discussion and interaction about their software topics. Approaches, plans, decisions, delays, and deprecations are discussed by concentrated expertise to advance the technologies your organizations may directly or indirectly depend upon. Attendees are responsible for their own travel and housing to the event, and your financial sponsorship contribution to these events ensures they are well fed and kept in good spirits.

My company, Hobu, Inc., has been a Silver sponsor ($1500) for many years. My employees and I have been attendees of the events, and we participate in them to collaborate with others upon some open source software technology you may use everyday – PROJ, GDAL, PDAL, and MapServer. The sprint allows us to engage with other developers, clarify project scoping, exchange technology advances, and decide crucial decisions. It is as important as any conference to my organization, and without it, our community's ability to execute the technology would suffer significantly. 

Enough of my wall of text. I hope that your organization can contribute for a Gold ($2500), Silver ($1500), or Bronze ($750) sponsorship. If so, please let us know and we'll post your logo on the wiki page and send along an invoice. We really appreciate your support.


Howard Butler
2019 Community Code Sprint Committee

[1] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Community_Sprint_2019 <https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Community_Sprint_2019>

PS, Please forward this into organizations that you think could help support the sprint with financial support. Please have them email me or Steve Lime with any questions. We are excited to get a strong international crowd in town for the event, and strong local support will be greatly appreciated. 
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