[TCMUG] OSGeo Twin Cities (aka TCMUG) Local Chapter Meeting - Nov 11th

Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul) bob.basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us
Tue Nov 10 05:48:55 PST 2020


We had a great meeting last month, with lots of discussion after the presentation on the Introduction to Postgres in Containers by Bill Mitchell

Recording of the past virtual meetings are linked to in the OSGeo (TCMUG) local Chapter page below.

Our next meeting we’ll have Bob B presenting on Parcel Frontage Assessment Calculator using Postgres/Postgis, MapServer and GeoMoose.

This will be a virtual meeting. As always, there will be an attempt to record it. Here is the connection info:


When: Nov 11th, 4:30 PM CDT

OSGeo, Twin Cities (aka TCMUG), MN, USA Local Chapter Page.<https://www.osgeo.org/local-chapters/twin-cities-mn-usa-chapter/>


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