[Tilecache] Tilecache and MapServer

John Westwood John.Westwood at port.ac.uk
Fri Apr 27 10:37:57 EDT 2007

Hello fellow tilecachers

I am in the process of implementing TileCache and OpenLayers with
MapServer on Debian Etch. I am serving three MapServer raster layers and
the Metacarta vmap0 layer. For the first stage I made sure that my
MapServer layers worked correctly in a standard MapServer interface.
Next, I went on to an OpenLayers interface and both the local MapServer
layers and the Metacarta layer were correctly displayed.

Most recently, I have tried to add Tilecache into the mix, but I cannot
get it to work with my local MapServer layers; however, it does work
with the Metacarta layer. When trying to display a MapServer layer all
that appears are broken links where the tiles should be. I have checked
my installation of python mapscript with a 'Hello World' program and
this appears to work fine. The fact that the Metacarta layer is
displayed seems to imply that all the file and directory permissions are
ok and that apache has permission to run cgi scripts in the appropriate
directory. I have checked the apache logs and cannot find anything
wrong. In tilecache.cgi I have references to my layers, for example a
MapServer layer:


And the Metacarta layer that does work:


These layers are themselves referenced to by index.html like so:

var baseLayerLUS = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("1930s Land Utilisation",
document.location+"tilecache.cgi?", {layers: "land", format: "image/png"
}, {projection: "none"});
var openLayersWMS = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("OpenLayers WMS",
document.location+"tilecache.cgi?", {layers: "vmap0", format:
"image/png" });

I am a bit stumped at the moment. Any ideas or advice on what could be
wrong would be greatly appreciated. I did notice that there is a
separate debian directory in the tilecache directory, perhaps this is a
clue? Or a red herring?



John W.

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