[Tilecache] TileCache Random Pink Tiles

Frank Porcelli fporcelli at taic.net
Sat Dec 1 08:16:42 EST 2007

Hello forum -- 

We're using TileCache 1.9 and a disk cache of several raster image layers.
I'm noticing random instances of pink tiles returned when zooming in and out
of a cached raster image, particularly at higher zoom levels. The locations
of the pink tile syndrome also seem to vary, for example if I zoom in and
out several times previous valid images come back pink and places that
previously came back pink are fine. This tells me that perhaps the problem
may be network related and not bad images because it is very random and only
seems to happen in one environment.

I also verified the png images in question were ok by right clicking a
missing tile and selecting view. The image then appears like it should.

I was wondering if anyone has ever run into this type of behavior before? My
IMAGE_RELOAD_ATTEMPS in OL is set to 5 which works well for images that are
retrieved from the WMS service. 



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