[Tilecache] [patch] tilecache seed issue

Christopher Schmidt crschmidt at metacarta.com
Wed Dec 5 01:32:36 EST 2007

On Wed, Dec 05, 2007 at 06:37:41AM +0100, Eric Lemoine wrote:
> Hello
> For some project of mine, I have to have a full tile cache. My
> problem: tilecache_cache_seed.py fails to generate the cache entirely
> - some tiles miss. The attached patch corrects the problem. Does the
> patch make any sense?

I'm assuming you're using 1.9 rather than trunk. in the trunk
tilecache/client.py, seed does this:

    tile = Tile(layer,x,y,z)
    bounds = tile.bounds()

Which makes the point moot. (There are other problems here, but this one
goes away.) 

If you can live with a local patch for now, I'll work on doing something
to the 1.9 branch that will resolve this situation. I don't like the
idea of changing a round to a ceiling, I fear floating point errors (and
have already bumped into them elsewhere in the code).

Christopher Schmidt

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